The clean out for faecal and faecal-free wastewater makes easy access to wastewater pipes possible for inspection and maintenance work. Thanks to the modular KESSEL system, existing systems can easily be converted to a Staufix Basic backwater valve with up to two flaps and emergency closure.
General characteristics
Colour: black
Nominal size (DN): 200
Outer diameter (OD): 200 mm
Type of wastewater: without sewage
Installation situation: exposed drainage pipe
Delivery state: installation-ready
Net weight: 2,2 kg
Gross weight: 2,2 kg
Vertical drop between inlet and outlet: 9 mm
Length: 530 mm
Width: 248 mm
Height: 278 mm
Packaging dimension: length: 533 mm
Packaging dimension: width: 240 mm
Packaging dimension: height: 290 mm